Tuesday, 8 March 2011

The World is Swimming Faster In Blueseventy.!

Supporting Big Ricks Channel Swim Team..!!
 This weeks channel news to come........

          Ricks Team are starting to get the eye of the tiger for training..!!!
                          okay, i know its nothing to do with swimming..
                            but all men love to train to the rocky theme .!
Swim Sessions This Week...

Saturday 12/3/11  ( Walsall Gala pool 33.3yrd )
Warm Up  
 1400 ( 400m F/C then 300 choice stroke Drills K,D,S ) repeat twice
Pre Main 
 8 x 100 kick with fins..odd 100,s F/C kick even 100,s choice stroke kick
Main Set..
 20 x 100,s going time 1.30, ( trying to swim each 100 in 1.15 or better)
Warm Down.
 400 choice stroke drills 

Thursday 10/3/11 ( David Lloyd Pool 25m and 100 degree's  )
Warm Up..
 600m ( 200 swim 200 kick 200 pull )
Main Set..
25 x 100 F/C with paddles and Pull Buoy
 5 x 100,s (3 off 1.30 2 off 1.35 ) 
 5 x 100,s (3 off 1.25 2 off 1.30 )  
 5 x 100,s (3 off 1.20 2 off 1.25 )
 5 x 100,s (3 off 1.15 2 off 1.20 )  
 5 x 100,s (3 off 1.10 2 off 1.15 ) try and hang on to set if possible...!!! 
Warm Down.. 
 400m easy swim down any stroke..

Tuesday 8/3/11 ( David Lloyd pool 25m )
Warm Up ..
 400 F/C drills
Main Set
 12 x 100,s F/C of 1.20
1 minute rest
 12 x 50,s F/C of 40 seconds
1 minute rest
 12 x 1,s F/C of 20 seconds
Kick Set..
 6 x 1,s  Fly with fins under water..20 seconds rest each length
 6 x 1,s  F/C with fins under water 20 seconds rest each length
 6 x 1,s Back with fins..fly under water start as far as you can, the finish with backstroke kick..20 sec Rest
Warm Down..
 200m back , 200m breaststroke, 200 F/C

Monday 7/2/11( Walsall gala 33.3 yard pool)
Warm Up...
 400 F/C every third length every 6th stroke, head up for 4 strokes repeat for for the lenght
Main Set
 4  x 1000s  F/C
 1st  1000 ( 2 x 500,s of 7 minutes )
one minute rest 
 2nd 1000 ( 200m 95% effort of 2.35, 2x 100,s 70% effort of 1.40,
 3 x 2 95% effort of 55 seconds 2 x 100,s 70% effort of 1.40, 200 100 % effort of 2.30)   
one minute rest
 3rd 1000 ( 400m 95% effort of 5.20, easy 100m 1.45. 400m 95% effort 5.20, 
  easy 100m 1.45)
one minute rest
4th 1000 kick set
 200m ( 3 x 2 backstroke with fins )15R
 200m ( 6x1 fly kick under water ) 30R tough set.! 
 200m ( 2 x100 F/C kick with fins 100% effort) 30R
 200m ( 3 x 2 backstroke with fins ) 15R
 200m ( 6 x 1 fly kick under water ) 30R VERY TOUGH SET.!!
Warm Down
 400m gentle swim down any stroke.

Saturday 5/3/11 ( Walsall gala baths 33.3 yard pool )
Warm Up..
 600m F/C DRILLS
Main Set...
4000m F/C
 5 X 400,s of 5.45
 5 x 200,s of 2.50
 5 x 100,s of 1.25
 5 x 2 lengths of 55 seconds
 5 x 1 lenghts of 30 seconds
Warm down.
 400m choice swim

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